[kplato] Some ideas

Richard Bos richard.bos at xs4all.nl
Mon Dec 4 13:14:51 CET 2006

Op woensdag 29 november 2006 08:48, schreef Nicolas Pettiaux:
> So a way to link (export is a first step) the PM file and documents in
> OOo formats organized through kword for example could be very helpfull.

I hope that you mean Open Document Format (ODF) files.  These are not specific 
for OOo.  ODF is the native format for e.g. koffice applications.  And since 
the end of November an ISO standard.

> (today kdissert already export information in OOo format)

I just tried it, but I don't see an option to save to another file format than 
kdi.  I have kdissert-1.0.6 installed

Richard Bos
Without a home the journey is endless

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