[kplato] setting up a calendar

Dag Andersen danders at get2net.dk
Tue Dec 12 09:03:34 CET 2006

Tirsdag 12 december 2006 01:37 skrev Adam Hardy:
> Dag Andersen on 25/11/06 15:34, wrote:
> > Fredag 24 november 2006 02:12 skrev Adam Hardy:
> > (...)
> >
> >> I have 4 working days in my week. Three have working intervals with 2
> >> hours. The fourth has a working interval of 3 hours.
> >>
> >> Now when I enter the effort required on a task, I put in 5 hours, for
> >> example. Kplato then recalculates this into 2 days and 1 hour. I guess
> >> this is because I have set the Standard Worktime for a day to be 2
> >> hours. Is that true?
> >>
> >> But that is only roughly correct, because really my average working day
> >> is 2.25 hours.
> >
> > It uses the "Hour pr day" field (above) for this calculation.
> >
> >> I would prefer to keep my task effort estimates as hours, instead of
> >> allowing kplato to recalculate them into days. Is there a way of doing
> >> this?
> >
> > No, not atm. This widget has to be rewritten, though, due to problems
> > with layout and navigation, so maybe in the future (koffice 2.0).
> I am curious about this situation where kplato rewrites 'hours effort' in
> the calendar into days where it can, depending on the standard worktime.
> Why is there a dependency on standard worktime? Especially in my project,
> it just doesn't make sense because I intend to vary the intervals heavily
> and don't have any concept of standard worktime.
> Particularly my attempts to work out what kplato is doing are slightly
> confusing. I added a task for 2 hours. I also have 2 hours entered as the
> standard worktime number of hours per day. The task settings effort
> estimate changed my 2 hours to 1 day.
Note that only the display is "changed"; you have defined that 2 hours and 1 
day is the same. 
If you entered, let's say 1.5 days here it will be the same as 3 hours.
> So to check what happens, I increased the number of hours on the day for
> that task from 2 up to 8, expecting to see the task expand as the day
> expands, but it doesn't.
No your estimate is 2 hours, so it will always be 2 hours. Changing the Hours 
per day setting to 8 means that your 2 hours now are 0.25 day.
( So if you now enter 8, it will display 1 day)
The Hour per day setting is only used when entering/displaying values in the  
> Does the task setting somehow invisibly remember that I entered 2 hours and
> not 1 day?
Remeber that (in your case) 2 hours and 1 day is the same!
Change the Hours per day setting to 1 hour and see what happends :)
I can see that there is an assumption in the way we have designed this widget:
We assume that most working days have the same length. If they do not the 
concept of a "standard" daylength withers.
For you it probably makes more sense to enter estimates in hours even if the 
estimates may be large, and thus, you want to have them displayed as hours 
I think that the only solution to this is to store the value as it was entered 
and use this in all displays.
As said earlier, we need a redesign of this widget for other reasons too, and 
we'll certainly take your comments into considderation in the process.
Thank for your persistence.
> Regards
> Adam
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Dag Andersen

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