[kplato] KOffice 1.5 Highlights Tour for the release

Dag Andersen danders at get2net.dk
Tue Apr 4 09:03:45 CEST 2006

Can you do with taking something from the kplato webpage?
I think most of what we can say is there, it's not like we're going to 
rock the world, this time :)

On Monday 03 April 2006 13:22, Raphael Langerhorst wrote:
> Hi all,
> We would like to put up a nice Tour through the Highlights of the
> KOffice 1.5 release. This should be on the koffice website, and
> available for the release itself - to have some eyecatcher for new
> and existing users and to have some material for the press.
> The Tour should have a short overview of "KOffice wide" highlights
> and a short section for highlights of each component - with
> appropriate screenshots, etc.
> I would like each maintainer of a component to write up such a
> short section with highlights of their component in the 1.5 release
> and send it to the list. I will stick it all together and put it up
> on the website.
> I would write the short overview myself, unless someone else wants
> to do it or has good ideas (let me know).
> If possible I would like to have your summaries before 8th April.
> The whole tour should be up on 10th April - before the release,
> which is on 11th April.
> Regards,
> Raphael
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Dag Andersen

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