[kplato] releasing KPlato with KOffice 1.5

Sidoine Mosiah PIERREL smp at openix-services.com
Fri Nov 25 21:36:38 CET 2005

> That's wonderful, great! It would be good if you are ready with a basic
> handbook maybe at the beginning of January so we have enough time to
> translate it.

I will translate it in English, at the minimum the first version, just that 
it's easier for me to write in French.

> I would also like you to send regular status reports about the handbook
> here on the list, to make sure it gets done in time.

No problem. It will be done regularly.

> Sidoine, as soon as you have an outline for the whole book, can you post it
> here? And, if it's possible, it might be good if you write the book piece
> by piece and submit the pieces here on the list as well, so we can start
> translating already. This will again make sure it gets done in time.

The outline is quite finished so I will give you the URL where I put it. It's 
a blog currently but I will create a wiki in order everyone involved can 
modify it.

> And if you ever have concerns that you won't finish in time or need help,
> please say so, if needed, someone else can write a chapter or two.

Of course, I will need help! To readproof, to add, to correct. There will be 
also a doc to write for the developers! I write for the users but :
1) I am far from knowing everything
2) a good project is a project with a user and tech doc. So for the tech doc, 
I can help but I will need everyone involved to explain its work. For the 
deep part inside the library, I just hope the doxygen result will be enough.

> I think KPlato 2.0 will certainly be able to use KPlato 0.9 data, either
> directly or a separate tool will transform the files into the newer format.
> The incompatibility might be just that not all details of a project file
> might be transformable in case KPlato 2.0 is signifficantly different. But
> all the important data will certainly be usable, I'm sure.

The difference between both format is for me a non-problem until the work done 
with the 0.9 version can be reused with the 2.0 version. Of course, we can 
have a few things which can't be translated but it must be only a few and 
small one.


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