[kplato] releasing KPlato with KOffice 1.5

Raphael Langerhorst raphael.langerhorst at kdemail.net
Fri Nov 25 20:48:49 CET 2005

Am Freitag 25 November 2005 18:38 schrieb Sidoine Mosiah PIERREL:
> Le Vendredi 25 Novembre 2005 18:32, Raphael Langerhorst a écrit :
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I would like to put forth my ideas regarding the first KPlato release.
> >
> > My suggestion is to provide a technology preview release (aka version
> > 0.9) with KOffice 1.5, a bit like the Kexi people did. So we basically
> > say KPlato is ok and usable so people can take a look at it, but we don't
> > give gurantee regarding compatibility to future versions.
> It sounds good! I begun to write the handbook in French...

That's wonderful, great! It would be good if you are ready with a basic 
handbook maybe at the beginning of January so we have enough time to 
translate it.

I would also like you to send regular status reports about the handbook here 
on the list, to make sure it gets done in time.

Sidoine, as soon as you have an outline for the whole book, can you post it 
here? And, if it's possible, it might be good if you write the book piece by 
piece and submit the pieces here on the list as well, so we can start 
translating already. This will again make sure it gets done in time.

And if you ever have concerns that you won't finish in time or need help, 
please say so, if needed, someone else can write a chapter or two.

> > This way we are not too much pressed with doing (the important things)
> > right from start but can listen to user feedback to provide a really
> > solid 2.0 release (yes, we skip 1.0 because the next KOffice release will
> > be 2.0 after1.5).
> Ok. That's easy to explain...
> > Such a release plan will also allow us to make sure the file format is ok
> > and is usable for real-world-situations. This relates to the recently
> > created OPMEF project where a file format for project management will be
> > created. Look at http://www.opmef.org for details. So the first KPlato
> > release will hopefully be already a first proof of concept implementation
> > for the OPMEF format. KPlato will use it as the native file format.
> >
> > Regards,
> The most important is in the known case of the change of file format to
> provide a tool to change from one format to another. Just in order not to
> lose data.
> Regards,
> Sidoine

I think KPlato 2.0 will certainly be able to use KPlato 0.9 data, either 
directly or a separate tool will transform the files into the newer format. 
The incompatibility might be just that not all details of a project file 
might be transformable in case KPlato 2.0 is signifficantly different. But 
all the important data will certainly be usable, I'm sure.

Best wishes,
Raphael Langerhorst

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