[kplato] releasing KPlato with KOffice 1.5

Sidoine Mosiah PIERREL smp at openix-services.com
Fri Nov 25 18:38:19 CET 2005

Le Vendredi 25 Novembre 2005 18:32, Raphael Langerhorst a écrit :
> Hi all,
> I would like to put forth my ideas regarding the first KPlato release.
> My suggestion is to provide a technology preview release (aka version 0.9)
> with KOffice 1.5, a bit like the Kexi people did. So we basically say
> KPlato is ok and usable so people can take a look at it, but we don't give
> gurantee regarding compatibility to future versions.

It sounds good! I begun to write the handbook in French...

> This way we are not too much pressed with doing (the important things)
> right from start but can listen to user feedback to provide a really solid
> 2.0 release (yes, we skip 1.0 because the next KOffice release will be 2.0
> after1.5).

Ok. That's easy to explain...

> Such a release plan will also allow us to make sure the file format is ok
> and is usable for real-world-situations. This relates to the recently
> created OPMEF project where a file format for project management will be
> created. Look at http://www.opmef.org for details. So the first KPlato
> release will hopefully be already a first proof of concept implementation
> for the OPMEF format. KPlato will use it as the native file format.
> Regards,

The most important is in the known case of the change of file format to 
provide a tool to change from one format to another. Just in order not to 
lose data.


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