[kplato] some first impressions

Mathias Lieber big_chief at gmx.de
Fri May 27 10:34:46 CEST 2005

Hello there,

I have successfully compiled and run kplato.
My first impression: it's doing quite right!

Here are my first ideas of what could/should be
changed: 1st this ID-thingy. When you create a task,
you are asked what ID to assign to the new task.

Why do I need to manually assign an ID? I asked myself.
Imho internal data representations should be hidden from
the user as much as possible.

One thing I missed was a task dependency.
Means to create a new task X and say "it depends on the
results of task Y, so it will start as soon as task Y is done."

I will continue to sneak into the code to explore
data structure and so on. I want to add a column in the
list view on the left, where ordered tasks numbers are
displayed like:


I think you know what I mean.

Kind Regards

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