[kplato] some first impressions

Dag Andersen danders at get2net.dk
Tue May 31 10:02:24 CEST 2005

Hi, Mathias.
Sorry for not answering your earlier mails, but atm I'm not able to 
access my computer on any regular basis. This state of affairs will 
last through the summer, probably until early october. So, mails will 
be infrequent and of course, no kplato development on my part :(

On Fredag 27 maj 2005 10:34, Mathias Lieber wrote:
> Hello there,
> I have successfully compiled and run kplato.
> My first impression: it's doing quite right!
Good :)
> Here are my first ideas of what could/should be
> changed: 1st this ID-thingy. When you create a task,
> you are asked what ID to assign to the new task.
> Why do I need to manually assign an ID? I asked myself.
> Imho internal data representations should be hidden from
> the user as much as possible.
Well, some people like to have control of the ID, some don't.
I think the dialog could propose an ID, so if you don't care you just 
don't touch it.
> One thing I missed was a task dependency.
> Means to create a new task X and say "it depends on the
> results of task Y, so it will start as soon as task Y is done."
It's not missing, you just have to find how to enter it ;)
In the gantt chart you can press LMB with pointer over the 'from 
task', drag the pointer to the 'to task' and release LMB.
You can enter Start-Start, Finish-Finish or Finish-Start dependencies 
dependent on where on the tasks LMB is pressed/released.
You can change/delete the dependency by doubleclicking on the link.
You can show the dependencies by selecting Show task links in the Show 

You can also use the network diagram, but that's a very early hack 
from way back when there was not even a gantt chart, so the ui is 
terrible and it's buggy, but well...
If you click on a task (from-task) it will be marked in red. Clicking 
on a different task (to-task) will bring up a dialog where you can 
select type of dependency.
> I will continue to sneak into the code to explore
> data structure and so on. I want to add a column in the
> list view on the left, where ordered tasks numbers are
> displayed like:
> 1.
>  1.1.
>  1.2.
> 2....
> I think you know what I mean.
Yes, WBS is one of the missing features.
> Kind Regards
> M.Lieber
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Dag Andersen

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