[kplato] KPlato file format

Claus Agerskov ca at chbs.dk
Mon Jan 10 09:36:49 CET 2005

On Sun, 9 Jan 2005, Raphael Langerhorst wrote:

> has anyone further thoughts on standard file formats for project 
> management? 

I have expressed my opinion earlier but I will do that again - see my 
response further down.

> Especially has anyone investigated the Jabber related 
> information? 

As far as I can see the Jabber information is collaboration information 
and not project management information about tasks.

> Some time earlier an idea of providing a _new_ OASIS 
> specification specifically for project management ("ProjectXML"), any 
> more thoughts on that? 

I still think that the OASIS way is the right way to go so the format can 
be worked on in an open standard organization and ind the end be an ISO 

> And finally, there is either the PMXML 
> standard we could base on or we could add project management specs to 
> the OASIS Open Document format.

As I see it project management data are more like database oriented than 
office documents usual are so I would take a specific project management 
approach more than the office approach to create an open standard format 
for project management data - or maybe all project data.

> Of course there is always the possibility to stay where we are... 
> although I would strongly suggest to either create some standard 
> (then we need clean specs) or move to existing standards (like PMXML) 
> and improve those as needed.

Investigating the PMXML format is the best approach as I see it but also 
take a closer look at the other alternatives which you can see on this 


> Personally I probably have not much time to elaborate on the file 
> format issue, although I would either favor to add a project 
> management spec to the OASIS specification if possible considering 
> the Jabber specs, or base our file format on PMXML.

PMXML is the best way to go right now as I see it and take the further 
development of the format to OASIS so it can be and open standard which in 
the end could become an ISO standard.  

> In any case we need to get clear of the file format needs we have, no 
> matter in what form of specifications we choose.

We should collaborate with the other project management tool projects 
about such a standard so it is not only a free software and open source 
standard but a widely supported standard for project management tools. 

The most enjoyable greetings
De herligste hilsner     _/
                      __/ | +           Jeg  vil  leve i en verden,  hvor
Claus Agerskov       /    (_   .        al  kommunikation  er baseret  på
Nøddelunden 110      |     _}     _     frie  og  åbne   standarder,   så
2765 Smørum          (    |_o `)(| )    enhver har friheden til at vælge.
ca at chbs.dk           \   /(_)-(_  ('         .       Claus Sørensen, 2001
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http://www.chbs.dk            '--|'

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