[kplato] KPlato file format

Raphael Langerhorst raphael-langerhorst at gmx.at
Sun Jan 9 08:56:37 CET 2005

Hi all,

has anyone further thoughts on standard file formats for project 
management? Especially has anyone investigated the Jabber related 
information? Some time earlier an idea of providing a _new_ OASIS 
specification specifically for project management ("ProjectXML"), any 
more thoughts on that? And finally, there is either the PMXML 
standard we could base on or we could add project management specs to 
the OASIS Open Document format.

Of course there is always the possibility to stay where we are... 
although I would strongly suggest to either create some standard 
(then we need clean specs) or move to existing standards (like PMXML) 
and improve those as needed.

Personally I probably have not much time to elaborate on the file 
format issue, although I would either favor to add a project 
management spec to the OASIS specification if possible considering 
the Jabber specs, or base our file format on PMXML.

In any case we need to get clear of the file format needs we have, no 
matter in what form of specifications we choose.

Raphael Langerhorst, JID: raphael at jabber.pilgerer.de
G System, The Evolving Universe - http://www.g-system.at

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