[kplato] Re: State of KPlato?

Raphael Langerhorst raphael-langerhorst at gmx.at
Wed Oct 27 14:00:19 CEST 2004

On Wednesday 27 October 2004 08:35, Dag Andersen wrote:
> On Tirsdag 26 oktober 2004 21:54, Raphael Langerhorst wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > What is the current state of KPlato? Is it desired to improve it?
> Well, I think so :)
> > .... Hmm.. just skimmed through the KPlato docs... it seems some
> > people have already thought about what should be implemented, how
> > far is it?
> In short, you can currently do:
> - Define tasks (incl. summarytasks, milestones), resources,
> calendars. - Assign calendars to resources.
> - Allocate resources to tasks.
> - Link tasks.
> - Have the project calculated.
> - Presentation mainly in ganttchart using KDGantt.
>   There is also a network diagram and a resourceview,
>   but they are rudimentary and mostly for testing.
> Doesn't sound to bad, eh?
> Well, what's not so good, missing?
> - The dialogs are not good (understatement).
> - Command history only partially implemented.
> - There are some holes in the calculation.
> - Calendar stuff not complete.
> - No resource leveling.
> - more...
> I'm currently working on link handling in KDGantt, mainly
> implementing linktypes (FinishStart, FinishFinish, StartStart).
> When that's done (today, I hope), I'm planning:
> - Implement task linking from KDGantt in kplato. (most code
> finished) - Have a look at the project calculations again.
> - Go through the dialogs and see if I can patch up the worst
> things. - Implement missing command history.
> - hmmmm

Can you merge the list you gave here and this one:

Would be good to have an up-to-date todo list...

> > And what about ... for example Mr. Project?
> Don't know how far they have come. No room to run gnome on my
> computer :(
> (By the way, there is also TaskJuggler)

I just took a look at TaskJuggler... well, did anyone already try to 
merge these? Is there any interest from the TaskJuggler people to 
merge the applications? .... from a first glance I would say that 
could be difficult. TaskJuggler is not really a KDE application (just 
the front-end)...

> > Any thoughts on the subject?
> The dialog approach to data entering is not always optimal. I've
> been thinking of implementing most of the dialog stuff in a
> 'structured editor' based on QListView. I've found that to be
> (almost) impossible, so personally I decided to postpone that until
> Qt4, which AFAICS offers more flexibility in this respect.

Add that to the todo list as well.

> > Raphael

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