[kplato] Re: State of KPlato?

Raphael Langerhorst raphael-langerhorst at gmx.at
Wed Oct 27 14:11:03 CEST 2004

On Wednesday 27 October 2004 10:34, Sidoine Mosiah PIERREL wrote:
> Hi all,
> I follow regularly the state of this list and I would like to
> submit the following.
> I build packages for several projects under Debian (KMLdonkey is
> the most well-known). And I write more and more docs. Just, I don't
> code. Is there anything which could be done for KPlato in these two
> fields?
> I expect a good planner and that's why I follow this list. For the
> moment, I use Project 98 under Win4Lin. This is not a solution but
> it works. I would be delighted to help. Just, normally, I don't
> code. If it's strictly necessary, I can learn.

I agree with Dag that testing and problem reporting could be useful. 
This could help to get a more complete status plan so we all know 
what's done, what's to improve and what's still todo. So the first 
thing would be to see what are *known* issues (probably Dag should 
write everything he knows of down on the status page). Then you could 
go along and test what Dag considers as already implemented and 
"should work". You could report these issues either on the mailing 
list or even use http://bugs.kde.org to send in bug reports (which is 
probably preferred)

And... if it's not coding and there is interest in an OASIS 
specification for project management and you would like to go for 
such a specification, you could help there as well I guess.

> I will make a CVS deb package of the project within the few next
> days in order to see and if you agree, I will post it on my apt
> repository (deb http://openix1.free.fr/Debian ./)
> Any thoughs?
> Regards,
> Sidoine

G System, The Evolving Universe - http://www.g-system.at

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