[kplato] New task dialog

Mark Tombs mtombs at chello.se
Mon Nov 29 10:24:02 CET 2004

On Friday 26 November 2004 15:34, Dag Andersen wrote:
> Hi,
> I've made a new task dialog (among other things) I would like you to
> check out, especially Mark :)

I'm a bit busy right now but I'll look when I have the chance. 

> I've added a scheduling type of 'FixedInterval' where you can define a
> fixed start- and enddatetime for your task. If the time-part of both
> datetimes are 0, the end date is interpreted as 'end of day' and
> hence, duration = end - start + 1.
> Default values for a task can be set in the config dialog.
> (Expect to find some things not right, don't really have time to test
> this now ;)
> Have a nice weekend!

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