[kplato] New task dialog

Dag Andersen danders at get2net.dk
Mon Nov 29 11:53:16 CET 2004

I've realized this will affect a lot of places, both calculations and 
presentations, so I'm making it configurable. This makes for cleaner 
code and it's easier to have separate task dialogs if it gets to 
complicated to combine them.

On Mandag 29 november 2004 10:24, Mark Tombs wrote:
> On Friday 26 November 2004 15:34, Dag Andersen wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I've made a new task dialog (among other things) I would like you
> > to check out, especially Mark :)
> I'm a bit busy right now but I'll look when I have the chance.
> > I've added a scheduling type of 'FixedInterval' where you can
> > define a fixed start- and enddatetime for your task. If the
> > time-part of both datetimes are 0, the end date is interpreted as
> > 'end of day' and hence, duration = end - start + 1.
> >
> > Default values for a task can be set in the config dialog.
> >
> > (Expect to find some things not right, don't really have time to
> > test this now ;)
> >
> > Have a nice weekend!
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Dag Andersen

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