[kplato] Duration less than a day? (was: request)

Brad Hards bradh at frogmouth.net
Fri Nov 5 11:14:34 CET 2004

On Fri, 5 Nov 2004 20:48 pm, Dag Andersen wrote:
> > Is there an agreed set of definitions anywhere, so that we can all
> > be talking about the same thing? Effort, Estimate to complete,
> > hours, work, duration, my brain is melting into goo. I think I
> > might be talking about effort, but in my world its called estimate
> > to complete (ETC).
> You're not alone :) I've found one glossary which I think is fairly
> good: http://www.apm.org.uk/resources/glossary.htm
> which defines ETC:
> Estimate To Complete (ETC)
> The value expressed in either money or hours developed to represent
> the cost of the work required to complete a task.
I'd like to use the PMBOK glossary (can be downloaded, but requires some 
click-through) - google is your friend.

That explains effort and duration, ETC, and lots more.


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