[kplato] contribution to Kplato

Carit Benike carit.benike at dk.ibm.com
Thu Nov 4 11:37:26 CET 2004

Hi Plato-team,

Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Carit, i am from Denmark, 
currently employed at IBM, working as a project manager. I hold a masters 
in engineering, with a major on the topics of project scheduling software 
with respect to risks and uncertainties. I have not been working with the 
theortical aspects of project management for a couple of years I am a bit 
rusyt on that topic, but I as I have worked with large enterprise projects 
over the last couple of years I consider my view on the project management 
discipline to be more mature now than at the time when I completed 
I have not been involved in coding activities since late 1999, but my 
background is assembler/c/c++/java and various other programming languages 
that no one knows about today. I did code my own scheduling tool with a 
real-time monte carlo simulation engine back then based on the WinAPI.
Why I am writing? I guess because I have a linux-installation at home, 
running KDE. First let me say that I am very into the idea of linux, I 
believe that a operating systems should be GPL (their might exceptions to 
that though), at least with public & home users this should apply. Ok! my 
linux distro runs KDE. In general I like the basic design concepts (the 
app.framework), I like the idea that it is GPL (which eventually means I 
can change the bits and pieces I don't like), and Iike that it is more 
than a window manager (incl. kwrite, kspread, kpresenter, kplato etc.). 
I am not really sure if I can contribute with anything to your project. I 
am motivated to contribute however possible to the linux/KDE commuity. But 
I'll leave it to you, to decide that.

Note. Though I work for IBM, any contributions to the linux/KDE community 
will be something I do in my spare time, so please use this e-mail adress 
for future communication: carit.benike at get2net.dk

Kind regards (& I am glad if I can help...)

Carit Benike
Project Manager, Nordic Processor Storage Transformation
IBM Global Services
Mail: IBM Svenska AB, Oddegatan 5, 164 92 Stockholm
Visit: Nordic Processor, Regeringsgatan 65, 6th floor.
Mobile: +45 2880 7205, Home Office +45 3331 9186
SE Office +45 8 5852 3757, DK Office: +45 4523 7205
e-mail: carit.benike at dk.ibm.com

have a lot of fun!!!
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