[kplato] Duration less than a day? (was: request)

Dag Andersen danders at get2net.dk
Thu Nov 4 09:23:03 CET 2004

On Onsdag 03 november 2004 21:56, Claus Agerskov wrote:
> On Wed, 3 Nov 2004, Mark Tombs wrote:
> > Can the duration be less than a day? Claus wrote :
> >
> > "Duration is the calendar time of a task."
> >
> > If a task starts and finishes on the same day, it has a duration
> > of 1.
How do you handle tasks with estimates that isn't multiple of days?
In general, how do you calculate a project like this?
> Or?
> Duration is the time period from start timestamp to the end
> timestamp and can be measured in the time unit you want.
That's how I see  it, too.
> In some projects minutes can be crucial but in others months or -
> years even - are usable units for duration.
> Personal I would have the duration saved in seconds so I can choose
> the time unit I want when I will see the duration.
It's saved in milliseconds, in a 64 bit int.
> The most enjoyable greetings

Dag Andersen

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