[kplato] Taskcode (was: request)

Claus Agerskov ca at chbs.dk
Wed Nov 3 22:34:16 CET 2004

On Wed, 3 Nov 2004, Mark Tombs wrote:

> On Wednesday 03 November 2004 09.29, Dag Andersen wrote:
> > > Task code: I gather you want to enter a code manually, but should
> > > it be number only or text, and should a 'default' be generated?
> The only reason I put a task code there is because a system I hope to 
> integrate kplato with has a task code, which is text and uniquely identifies 
> the task in the project. 

Are you talking about a Work Breakdown Structure Codes (WBS Codes)?

There should absolutely be WBS Codes where the user can use multiple ways 
to number them like:

  First level:   1         A         VI        1
  Second level:  1.A       A-001     VI ix     1.01
  Third level:   1.A.01    A-001-a   VI ix a   1.01rc1

As the last example show it should be possible to create customized 
numbering lists like a1,a2,b1,b2,b3,rc1,rc2,final.

But there should also be a field for a specific task code which doesn't 
change when the structure changes.

The most enjoyable greetings
De herligste hilsner     _/
                      __/ | +           Jeg  vil  leve i en verden,  hvor
Claus Agerskov       /    (_   .        al  kommunikation  er baseret  på
Nøddelunden 110      |     _}     _     frie  og  åbne   standarder,   så
2765 Smørum          (    |_o `)(| )    enhver har friheden til at vælge.
ca at chbs.dk           \   /(_)-(_  ('         .       Claus Sørensen, 2001
                      |__\o./  _><o        []
http://www.chbs.dk            '--|'

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