[kplato] request

Brad Hards bradh at frogmouth.net
Wed Nov 3 20:52:22 CET 2004

On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 06:31 am, Mark Tombs wrote:
> Isn't that a bit over the top? Does anyone actually care what time of day a
> task is supposed to start?
It matters for some applications - eg. when you are scheduling a project that 
has a lot of out-of-hours work (night shift maintenance, upgrades of critical 
infrastructure). In the longer term, we should be able to inform people of 
their tasks, and they need to know when to a fair degree of accuracy.

> > > End: Do you really need this? It should be start + duration, or do
> > > you have other reasons to include it?
> Good point. No good reason. Would the duration then take into account
> non-working days from the calendar?
Duration needs to be able to be calendar or working days (and both in the same 

> > > Duration: Do you have any suggestions for the format of the entry
> > > here? I had a discussion with Shaheed a while back about this and
> > > we didn't really find a good solution due to localization.
> Can the duration be less than a day? Claus wrote :
> "Duration is the calendar time of a task."
> If a task starts and finishes on the same day, it has a duration of 1. Or?
Need to do to minutes, if necessary.

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