[kplato] request

Dag Andersen danders at get2net.dk
Wed Nov 3 09:29:44 CET 2004

On Onsdag 03 november 2004 07:40, Dag Andersen wrote:
> On Søndag 31 oktober 2004 20:02, Mark Tombs wrote:
> (snip)
> > Now all I need in a task dialog are task name, duration, start
> > date, end date, and a check-box for start and end date saying if
> > they are fixed or not. That way I can pin a task if I don't want
> > it moved by the auto-schedule process. I've taken the liberty of
> > knocking up a dialog.
> Ok, I had a look at it and have a couple of questions:
> Start: Don't you need time also?
> End: Do you really need this? It should be start + duration, or do
> you have other reasons to include it?
> Duration: Do you have any suggestions for the format of the entry
> here? I had a discussion with Shaheed a while back about this and
> we didn't really find a good solution due to localization.
> Task code: I gather you want to enter a code manually, but should
> it be number only or text, and should a 'default' be generated?
Based on your dialog knockup, I made my own suggestion.
Some notes:
Default values: It should be possible to set your own. Thought of 
adding a 'Use as default' button, but don't know if it should go into 
this dialog or somewhere else.

Schedule: If ASAP or ALAP the edit datetime widget is disabled.

Duration: I went for a combobox on Fixed/Effort as I find it clearer 
and maybe there should be more options?
Dag Andersen
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