[kplato] projects, subprojects and tasks

Heiko Evermann Heiko.Evermann at gmx.de
Fri May 2 10:39:13 CEST 2003

Hi everyone,

I was wondering about the class structure of the nodes. We have a base 
class node, and subclasses for project, subproject and tasks. Each of 
them can pop up an edit dialog by node->openDialog(). For a task object 
we get a task dialog, for a subproject object we get a subproject dialog.

Now let's do this:

add subproject sp1.
Within sp1 let us add task t1.
And then we insert a task t2 into t1.

The gant diagramm now treats t1 as a subproject and displays it as a 
blue bar with little triangles, just like sp1.
However when I open the "edit node property dialogs" for each one of 
them, I get a task dialog for t1 and for t2. In my opinion this is 

I was wondering whether the different subclasses of node make sense 
after all. With these classes, when we add t2, it is not sufficient to 
add this as a subelement to t1. We also would have to replace t1 by a 
subproject object. And we would have to update all references to t1 
within the whole object structure to point to the new object, as the new 
t1 object resides at a different address in memory.

Once the user deletes t2, t1 would have to revert back to a task object, 
wouldn't it?

I think the current class structure makes intensive edit operations 
quite difficult to implement. And there is still a lot to implemet, as 
far as I have explored kplato. e.g. I have not found a possibility to 
delete tasks and subprojects. And we also lack an "indent/unindent" 
feature to regroup tasks. And cut/copy/paste seems to be missing too.

Any comments from anyone?



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