[kplato] small bugfix

Sidoine Mosiah PIERREL sipteamlog.fr at wanadoo.fr
Sun May 4 01:05:34 CEST 2003

Le Samedi 3 Mai 2003 17:31, vous avez écrit :

> > I had troubles to compile it but not to launch it. However, may you
> > send the log (for example a copy of your launching console) to see
> > what/where is the problem on this list.
> It crashed at startup for me too after implementing kdgantt. I haven't
> found out why, but by displaying pert diagram on startup the crash
> was avoided for me. I suspect it is a conflict between koffice and
> kgantt, but I really, really haven't a clue ;)

I have troubles regularly to compile with kdgantt (depends of the CVS) but no 
crash. I think that this library is maybe the source of some of our 
questions. I don't have the knowledge to check the code but if someone can go 
forward to check what is done here, I think that we will find something 


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