[kplato] explenation from project managers please?

Martin Fox kplato@kde.org
Wed, 26 Feb 2003 08:24:11 +0100

Hi all
On the basis that it is better to walk then learn to run, I would agree with the order of development suggested by Pedro and would suggest that, between his proposed steps 2 and 3, the ability to manually reallocate resources and hence 'level' the demand for critical resources would be a good milestone (Many computer based scheduling programs in fact stop here and do not go to the next step of automatic resource levelling).

I can see that there are quite a few people monitoring this list, possibly like me, not able to code, but who are very interested in this work. This is a sort of encouragement to the 'doers' that your efforts are very much appreciated by the rest of us. :-)

On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 23:11:31 -0500
Pedro Restrepo <pedrores@tutopia.com> wrote:
> ==============================================
> Hi,
> I agree, the slack in the project total term is like the lump sum added to
> the budget to cover unforseen facts (greater unit costs, greater work
> times,
> etc). If a project can be done in "exactly" 100 days, it is a good
> practice
> to give it a total term of some days more, something like 110 days or
> 120
> days in order to have a slack.
> I do not know the advance status of Kplato, but I guess the best
> developing
> order is:
> 1. Develope the CPM calculation algorithm (or routine)
> 2. Develope the resource allocator and resource management (totalize
> resources,  calculate resources total costs, etc)
> 3. Develope, if it is within the objectives of Kplato, resource
> levelling
> routines.
> Resource levelling methods can make use of delays in activities in order
> to
> diminish simultanities in the use of resources (if two activities use
> the
> same resource and its respectives early dates are simultaneous, but one
> of
> these activities can be delayed, it is possible to diminish the resource
> peak using this delay). I guess Thomas Zander is refering to this
> meaning of
> "late as possible": to delay activities that can be delayed in order to
> reduce resources peaks.

Martin J Fox

A day without sunshine is like..... night.