[kplato] explenation from project managers please?

Pedro Restrepo kplato@kde.org
Tue, 25 Feb 2003 23:11:31 -0500


I agree, the slack in the project total term is like the lump sum added
the budget to cover unforseen facts (greater unit costs, greater work
etc). If a project can be done in "exactly" 100 days, it is a good
to give it a total term of some days more, something like 110 days or
days in order to have a slack.

I do not know the advance status of Kplato, but I guess the best
order is:

1. Develope the CPM calculation algorithm (or routine)
2. Develope the resource allocator and resource management (totalize
resources,  calculate resources total costs, etc)
3. Develope, if it is within the objectives of Kplato, resource

Resource levelling methods can make use of delays in activities in order
diminish simultanities in the use of resources (if two activities use
same resource and its respectives early dates are simultaneous, but one
these activities can be delayed, it is possible to diminish the resource
peak using this delay). I guess Thomas Zander is refering to this
meaning of
"late as possible": to delay activities that can be delayed in order to
reduce resources peaks.

John Lamb wrote:

> Thomas Zander wrote:
> > so two groups of radiobuttons:
> >
> > Project scheduling: (won't effect start/end time)
> >     o ASAP
> >     o ALAP
> > Project start/end
> >     o Start not earier then
> >     o Finish not later then
> >     o Must start on
> >
> > Right?
> These look sensible. ASAP and ALAP don't affect pert/cpm because they
> are essentially resource allocation problems. ASAP make sense if you
> want to avoid the risk of overrunning on non-critical activities. ALAP
> makes sense if the resources are expensive and hired/rented at the point
> of need (e.g. hiring a large crane for construction) because that delays
> capital expenditure.
> I guess project start/end time is to allow the possibility that the
> project itself may have some slack. It certainly makes sense to build
> that in.
> --
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