[kplato] kplato

Thomas Zander kplato@kde.org
Tue, 3 Dec 2002 17:57:11 +0100

On Tue, Dec 03, 2002 at 05:40:32PM +0100, h.evermann@hawesko.de wrote:
> Hi Dag,
> >didn't even realize there was a kplato mailing list:)
> Well, there has not been much traffic lately.
> > So far, I only have look at the gui. I hoped I could define the
> > minimum ui needed for planning a project, possibly without resources
> > and other advanced stuff.
> The resource stuff is not that bad. I have seen this in kdeedu/kstars. It
> is a good way of
> defining the GUI and there even is a graphical editor for this. Kstars is
> changing to
> building the GUI via resources.

KDE has the wonderful Qt Designer which is a very rapid GUI creation thingy :)
Just put the *.ui file in the Makefile.am and everything is done for you.

> >It will take some time before it gets seroius (if at all).
> Same for me. Other things have more priority at the moment.I only did one
> thing lately: I had
> a look at MrProject which has become part GNOME. Some time ago there was a
> discussion about a possible
> cooperation. The team from MrProject even split the project into a model
> and a GUI layer. But afterwards nothing
> happened.

After that we took a long hard look at the XML written by MrProject and found
out that it dit not use and store information essential for a mature planning

>I had a look at the code from MrProject and I do not have a clue
> what it means. It is not even c++.
> Installing Gnome did not work for me, so I could not try it out. Before
> starting serious work on kplato we should
> at least understand how MrProject. Perhaps we can port the model layer and
> write a nice GUI around it?

Well, the datastructure of KPlato is more mature then that of MrProject (was
a year ago), what we lack most is a good implementation of algoritms. And naturally
a nice GUI. Take a look at the archives since I believe there was another
project that could be used for this.

> And we should start with a detailed list of features, like the attributes
> of each object etc.r
Allready done;
There are several issues I put down there for others to get going quickly.
Sadly no-one did.

>oAt least in a rough
> sketch. We should do the same for the GUI. The graphical resource editor
> even allows some kind of prototyping, so
> we could have a look at our dialogs without having to program the
> funtionality.


create a (very) rough scetch in Qt Designer.
One file for each screen and/or dialog. Also put a small description in there
on how these screens should interact.

I'm not familiar with project planning, but I am very good at UI design. I'm
very willing to help make the GUI something that is clear. But I need a good
template of where to start.
After some work I put the resulting .ui files in CVS which creates base-classes
for you to implement the GUI-handling code in.

> > I mailed Thomas Zander and I got the impression not much was happening
> atm.
> At the moment this is the way things are. But the list has quite a number
> of subscribers. So perhaps we could
> get going again?

Hope so :)

Although I'm afraid 95% of those subscribers either don't know how to code, or
are just to busy with other projects.

Thanx for your resone He1ko!
Thomas Zander