[KPhotoAlbum] Import crash

Robert Krawitz rlk at alum.mit.edu
Sat May 20 04:20:38 BST 2017

On Thu, 18 May 2017 22:41:30 +0200, Johannes Zarl-Zierl wrote:
> On Mittwoch, 17. Mai 2017 21:59:56 CEST Robert Krawitz wrote:
>> >> One of the problems is with displaying the images page.
>> >> createImagesPage() is fast enough, but when it Qt then goes to display
>> >> it, it's deathly slow if there are a lot of images (presumably there's
>> >> some inefficiency in Qt with creating a dialog with thousands of
>> >> items in it -- or the way KPA is doing it, since file browsers have to
>> >> be able to display lots of items).  Even if I have it not try to
>> >> display a pixmap and/or label, it's very slow.
> [...]
>> I suspect QLayout isn't really designed for that many items; it's very
>> flexible and tries hard to achieve the best layout for the widgets you
>> put into it.  If I run it under gdb, and break into it, it looks like
>> it's spending a huge amount of time doing stuff like this (all inside
>> that ImportExport::ImportDialog::exec() call):
> [...]
>> For that matter, a lot of times when I'm doing an import I'm really
>> not interested in selecting which files I want to import; just grab
>> the whole thing and go.
> I've not recently looked at that part of the import process, but I
> would imagine that asking the user whether to display that dialog
> shouldn't be hard to do...

I'm writing a perl script to do this.

Thus far I'm just doing the uncompressed format.  There may be
features I haven't taken into account yet; when I'm ready to send it
out people can comment.

I assume that the ordering of elements is arbitrary except within
images, where I'm sorting by <start date, file name>.
Robert Krawitz                                     <rlk at alum.mit.edu>

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