[KPhotoAlbum] Token setting in thumbnail view

Miika Turkia miika.turkia at gmail.com
Fri Aug 2 18:32:46 BST 2013

On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 6:38 PM, Johannes Zarl <
isilmendil at isilme.lupus.uberspace.de> wrote:

> **
> Hi,
> Sorry for dragging this out. I haven't got much time for coding lately.
> > > How does this work when only a single image from a stack is in the
> > > selection? E.g. I have raws and jpegs stacked automatically. Now I
> might
> > > search for only raw images and tag the whole stack when only the raws
> are
> > > actually within the selection list.
> > >
> > > My intiution for tagging the whole stack would not care about whether
> the
> > > stack is expanded or not if we intend the capital letter to be for
> whole
> > > stack. One can always use the lower case letter to tag few images from
> > > expanded stack.
> >
> > To be more specific, the only time I think uppercase tokens should not
> > tag the entire stack is if the stack has been explicitly expanded, with
> > Expand All Stacks or by clicking on the stack. If you've simply
> > selected only part of the stack, without manually expanding it, then
> > uppercase tokens should tag the entire stack.
> >
> > My understanding is that IncludeAllStacks is only different from
> > ExpandCollapsedStacks if the stack has been explicitly expanded. I want
> > to err on the side of tagging too much than too little -- the whole
> > point of uppercase tags is really to tag the whole stack.
> So just to be sure this is what we intend, let's do some paper test.
> Assuming the demo database, with both "spiff" images stacked together,
> let's start with the stack in unexpanded state.
> a) Selecting the spiff stack and pressing "a" tags only the front image
> (no surprises there).
> b) Now pressing "B" stacks both images.
> c) Expanding the stack, selecting only one image and pressing "C" only
> tags one image.
> d) Collapsing the stack again, browsing to "All > fun", and pressing "D"
> tags both images.
> e) Manually expanding the stack, browsing to "All > fun", and pressing "E"
> only tags one image.
> Interaction-wise, I think the difference in behaviour between d) and e)
> could be frustrating for new users.
> One possible solution would be to pop up a warning/info message when
> situation c) or e) is detected. Same thing for situation a).
> Any more thoughts on this?

Just that it should be simple and intuitive. Different behavior with
capital letter is confusing.

Another thing to note is, when using speed tagging in viewer; shift
modifier is used to remove a tag. E.g. I can configure F1 to insert keyword
"web" and then I can go through the images and always hit F1 to add this
tag (no matter whether the tag was already there or not). With shift-F1 I
can remove the tag. (Of course if you have function keys configured for
something else on window manager this might not work.) The point being, in
one place shift modifier is used to remove a tag / keyword and now it would
be used to expand the token to whole tag. This might lead to more
confusion. Too bad I do not have any good solution as modifiers are quite
heavily used by window managers and keyboard shortcuts leaving very limited

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