[KPhotoAlbum] Token setting in thumbnail view

Robert Krawitz rlk at alum.mit.edu
Sat Aug 3 03:07:32 BST 2013

On Fri, 02 Aug 2013 17:38:38 +0200, Johannes Zarl wrote:
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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> Hi,
> Sorry for dragging this out. I haven't got much time for coding lately.
>> > How does this work when only a single image from a stack is in the
>> > selection? E.g. I have raws and jpegs stacked automatically. Now I might
>> > search for only raw images and tag the whole stack when only the raws are
>> > actually within the selection list.
>> > 
>> > My intiution for tagging the whole stack would not care about whether the
>> > stack is expanded or not if we intend the capital letter to be for whole
>> > stack. One can always use the lower case letter to tag few images from
>> > expanded stack.
>> To be more specific, the only time I think uppercase tokens should not
>> tag the entire stack is if the stack has been explicitly expanded, with
>> Expand All Stacks or by clicking on the stack.  If you've simply
>> selected only part of the stack, without manually expanding it, then
>> uppercase tokens should tag the entire stack.
>> My understanding is that IncludeAllStacks is only different from
>> ExpandCollapsedStacks if the stack has been explicitly expanded.  I want
>> to err on the side of tagging too much than too little -- the whole
>> point of uppercase tags is really to tag the whole stack.
> So just to be sure this is what we intend, let's do some paper test.
> Assuming the demo database, with both "spiff" images stacked together, let's start with the stack in unexpanded state.
> a) Selecting the spiff stack and pressing "a" tags only the front image (no surprises there).
> b) Now pressing "B" stacks both images.
> c) Expanding the stack, selecting only one image and pressing "C" only tags one image.
> d) Collapsing the stack again, browsing to "All > fun", and pressing "D" tags both images.
> e) Manually expanding the stack, browsing to "All > fun", and pressing "E" only tags one image.
> Interaction-wise, I think the difference in behaviour between d) and e) could be frustrating for new users.
> One possible solution would be to pop up a warning/info message when situation c) or e) is detected. Same thing for situation a).

Case (a) was my motivation for this in the first place.  If I get a
message each time I want to tag an image when it's stacked, it's
worthless to me.

Here's my scenario: I frequently shoot RAW+JPEG.  Let's say I shoot 1000
frames at an event, so I have 2000 files but only 1000 distinct frames.

The first two steps in my workflow are:

1) Eliminate the bad frames.  Let's say I have 20% blown shots -- my
   flash didn't fire because it didn't recharge in time, focus is off,
   in some other way it's fatally flawed.

   (That number may sound high, but when I'm photographing an event I'm
   intentionally being very aggressive in my shooting.  I have fewer
   misses with my 7D than I did with my 20D, but for event photography,
   my rule of thumb is that if I don't have something like that, I
   probably have not been aggressive enough.  Obviously there are some
   phases where I have fewer misses than others, but this is really
   neither here nor there.)

   What I actually do is run quickly through the frames, applying a "k"
   token to each.  Prior to the uppercase token, I had to refrain from
   stacking the images at first.  That means I have 2000 images to go
   through, and have to hit 'k' 400 times.  With uppercase tokens, I can
   prestack the images, and run through 1000 images and hit 'K' 200
   times.  The caps lock key is definitely good for *something*.

   After this, I delete everything tagged 'k'.

2) Take a second pass through everything to select the frames I want to
   use.  This is a subset of the first pass frames -- how big of a
   subset depends.  Sometimes it might be as little as 10%, sometimes it
   might be 90%.  But having seen everything in the first pass makes it
   easier for me to cut things down in the second pass, since I have an
   idea what other frames I have that have what I want.

   Again, having the uppercase tags mean that I can justt tag everything
   I want 'A' once.

After this, I can use the RAW files or JPEGs as I see fit.

It should be very apparent that I do *not* want to be prompted when I
try to tag a stacked image.  I want to tag the entire stack, no
questions asked.

Robert Krawitz                                     <rlk at alum.mit.edu>

MIT VI-3 1987 - Congrats MIT Engineers 5 straight men's hoops tourney
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