[KPhotoAlbum] Original & modified images -> tell us how do you work with them?

Risto H. Kurppa risto at kurppa.fi
Thu Feb 11 08:47:23 GMT 2010


This issue comes up every now and then on this mailing list and on my
weekly KPA usage: What would be a good method to work with original
photo files and the modified versions?
Here are some versions:

1) Keep the originals in KPhotoalbum database. Modified versions in
another directory, in separate KPA database. Tag all edited originals
with 'edited version available' tag. Need to separately tag the edited

2) Both originals and edited in same folders and same KPA database,
tag with same tags + original or edited tags. Problem here is that the
edited version has different timestamp-> browsing files doesn't tell
you easily if a photo has an edited version available or not

3) Both originals and edited in the same folder and database and use
the stacking feature to group the original with the edited version,
give them all the same tags. This causes a lot of manual work moving
the edited next to the original image.

At the moment I have all edited versions in another folder (managed by
the same KPA database as the originals). As the timestamps differ, and
I have nef -> tiff -> jpg -workflow also saving the tiff, I have the
tiff and jpg sitting alone in the database, far away from the
original. Usually I also don't tag these edited photos.

So what's your way of doing this? What kind of features in KPhotoAlbum
would make it easier to work with the original + edited version? How
do other photo archive apps do this?


| risto h. kurppa
| risto at kurppa dot fi
| http://risto.kurppa.fi

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