[KPhotoAlbum] workflow for simple changes?

theBro thebro at luukku.com
Tue Feb 2 15:44:10 GMT 2010

Mark Eichin kirjoitti 02.02.2010 kello 07:48:
> looking at them in kphotoalbum and decide that I want a cropped
> version too (and probably want it "stacked" with the original? I'm
> still using 4.0.1 but will be fixing that shortly.)
> Suggestions?  Can "run external command" produce a new image that gets
> added to the pool?

There is new functionality in the development version (from Wes) that allows you to have multiple versions of same image and autostacks them for you. More info:

You can e.g. use run external command to start gimp with the selected image and save it then with new name..gotta run maintenance-scan for new images to find the new image without restarting KPA.


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