[KPhotoAlbum] Experiences with version 4

Baptiste MATHUS ml at batmat.net
Wed Jun 3 07:07:18 BST 2009

Hi Clair,

What directory did you index? Didn't you index your $HOME? If so, would
there be a chance that you just indexed both your images and the generated
thumbs (located under ~/.thumbnails)?

My 2 cents

2009/6/1 Clair Johnston <cbj0129 at bellsouth.net>

> jedd wrote:
> >  I like it.  A lot.  Especially the integration of custom categories
> >  into the primary annotation window .. and the way you can move
> >  the various components in there around.
> >
> >  Jedd.
> I like the improvements also, however I am experiencing some problems.
> System Conf:
> HP laptop running Ubuntu 9.04
> Running prebuilt Binary from website link
> 36,000 photos on a USB harddrive
> Only about 10% catagorized.
> First question:  I have a number of images that are displaying as "gray
> scale" rather than color.  Opening with an external program displays
> properly.  I assume that this has some specific meaning but have been
> unable to find the answer.
> Second question:  I just added about 300 images from a photo shoot on
> Saturday.  In the thumbnail view there are two thumbnails for each
> image.  Clicking on the first one highlights the second one.  Both
> thumbnails reference the same image.  There is only one image on the
> harddive. I am not shooting RAW, only JPG.
> I tried to regenerate the thumbnails.  The progress bar ran to 99% and
> hung for about 20 minutes, before I accidentally closed KPhotoAlbum
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Clair
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Baptiste <Batmat> MATHUS - http://batmat.net
Sauvez un arbre,
Mangez un castor !
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