[KPhotoAlbum] (yet another) html front end

jedd jedd at progsoc.org
Sun Jan 4 08:42:28 GMT 2009

On Sat Jan 3 2009, Risto H. Kurppa wrote:
> 2) As far as I know, the next version (for KDE4) will support SQL
> backend, and actually the SVN version available might already do it,
> not sure what's the situation there.

 Yup, though a message from Jesper a few weeks back that I
 saw on-list suggests that the next version will be using the
 index.xml file backend.  Rough calculations suggest that it's
 at least a year after that before the SQL backend pops up in
 the stable branch, and presumably 2+ years before the XML
 backend is dropped - though I reckon it'd never be dropped
 completely from the code (?).

 In either case, the SQL stuff is not entirely beyond my humble
 abilities, and the XML-loading right now is done within a single
 function within functions.php - it'd be relatively straightforward
 to migrate to a SQL function call down the track, I suspect.

> - I have most of my photos in Nikon RAW format (NEF) -> need to be
> converted before publishing -> tags need to be managed to the
> corresponding JPG files..

 Okay, good call.  I have a Minolta pseudo-SLR, but rarely
 use its raw (MRW) format files.  Mostly because they do tend to
 need some post-processing (back to JPG's usually) after the
 fact, and then I'd be sharing those JPG's.

 I'll have a play with pulling in other format files - I don't think
 it'll be terribly tricky, as there are libraries to do all kinds
 of funky things with imagemagick / php.

 I may ask you to zap through an NEF file at some point, though.

> - I want to rsync only the photos that I publish, not all 80G..

 Can you please clarify - do you mean up to a remote web site
 or to the cache, etc?

 At the moment it's geared up for someone who has a web server
 on the same box (or close to) the machine that hosts their picture
 archive.  In my case, I don't, as it happens - instead I make the
 cache (manually, by clicking through each image, but will one
 day soon make an admin-function to create the cache in one
 fell swoop) and then sync that cache up to the remote web server.

> So I'm waiting for a solution to this. I have a feeling that the
> NEF/RAW thing will be a showstopper for a LONG time..

 Where's the KDE optimism gone!?   ;)


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