[KPhotoAlbum] Geotagging and searches within KPhotoAlbum

Franck Sicard franck.sicard at 3demi.net
Mon Feb 23 14:25:02 GMT 2009


> KPA accepts a GPS datafile (kml, gpx, nmea(?)) and then looks for images
> within its database which match the GPS data and update the image EXIF and
> database with the data.  Will need time offset and time window (how long away
> is a valid time point) options.  Writing the EXIF data could be an option, but
> is necessary to make available for referencing external to KPA.

there is already a kipi plug-in that do this well. I used it a lot
with the KDE 3.5 of Kphotoalbum:
- can take a gpx file, an offset time and do the correlation on selected photo
- allow to manually update/set the position by viewing a googlemap map

but now that i have switched on the KDE4.2 version i have no more kipi
plugins  (package is missing on my ubuntu for kde 4.2 :-( )


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