[KPhotoAlbum] wrong "annotate" dialog with Czech localization

Baptiste MATHUS ml at batmat.net
Sun Feb 18 21:11:19 GMT 2007


I think I was the one having a similar problem. I reported the bug to the
list, and the bug was corrected for me, see

Jan, do you have a way to know what is the svn version that was used to
build your package? If so, could you provide it to here?

-- Baptiste

2007/2/12, Martin Hoeller <martin at xss.co.at>:
> On 12 Feb 2007, Martin Hoeller wrote:
> > This bug was already fixed about a year or so ago. Seems it somehow
> slept
> > back into the code.
> Sorry, didn't provide a link. Here it is:
> http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.kde.kimdaba/1728/
> hth,
> - martin

Baptiste <Batmat> MATHUS
BMathus at Batmat point net - http://batmat.net
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