[KPhotoAlbum] Select subcategories, annotating photographs

Angel Lopez anglopm at gmail.com
Wed Apr 18 17:22:19 BST 2007

On 4/18/07, Shawn Willden <shawn-kimdaba at willden.org> wrote:
> On Wednesday 18 April 2007 09:03, Angel Lopez wrote:
> > Hello,
> Hi, Angel,

Hi, Thanks for your help.

> > I have a question about working with supercategories. If I make a
> > supercategory called "France" and two subcategories for it: "Paris"
> > and "Grenoble", for example. I have seen that I can put a mark in
> > "Paris" but "France" is not selected, while one should want to have
> > both selected, I think.
> No, you should just check the specific tag.  If you go back to the top level
> in KPA and drill down into Locations, then France, you'll see that your
> images from Grenoble and Paris are both there.
> I guess it might be a nice feature if the supercategories were automatically
> checked, perhaps with a grayed-out check to indicate that it's a "derived"
> check.  Anyone have any thoughts on that?

I understand know, and also vote for that feature.

> > I have also more question on annotating: My photographs are in
> > directories called "YYYY-MM-12_Description", which was useful for me
> > in the past to keep things ordered. Do you recommend me, to use this
> > description in any field when I annotate images? Where? Label
> > perhaps...
> If your camera puts EXIF information in the images, and most do, KPA should be
> able to automatically extract the date and time information, so that part
> shouldn't have to be entered.  As for the Description, I'd put that in the
> Description field in KPA.  On the annotation dialog, it's the text box toward
> the upper right hand corner of the screen (unless you've moved or closed it).

Ok, I was having doubts on using the description or label for it.
Probably, label is better for writing something really descriptive for
some photos on  one set.

> > I've noticed that One can search also by folder, but the text you type
> > in must be exactly the beginning of the folder name, (which is not my
> > case).
> Really?  I can type any part of the folder name.  To be precise, from
> the "Home" view, I click the "Folder" icon, then use the search entry bar at
> the top.

Now I see the light. I was talking about Edit --> Find --> Options.
Show Folders.
Your explanation has shown me how to do it, and this behavior is great
for me because I have already description on folders names.

I can say now that Kphotoaalbum is better each time I use it.

> What version of KPA do you have, by the way?
Yesterday 3.0.x (something between 3.0.1 and 3.0.2)
Now compiling 3.0.2 (never had a problem compiling here (kubuntu 6.10)

>         Shawn.


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