[KimDaBa] New snapshot with improved thumbnail viewer

Robert L Krawitz rlk at alum.mit.edu
Thu Jan 12 13:38:51 GMT 2006

   From: "Jesper K. Pedersen" <blackie at blackie.dk>
   Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 00:47:28 -0500

   Over the Christmas holidays I've reimplemented the thumbnail viewer.
   Read all about it on http://ktown.kde.org/kimdaba/news.htm

   A new snapshot is available with it, and I urge everyone to start
   using the snapshots. Due to an unfortunate amount of bugs
   introduced either by KDE, Qt or esp Suse, I'm planning to freeze
   soon and make a release.

1) The new thumbnail viewer overrides my color choice -- the
   background is always white (my normal background is black).

2) The new thumbnail viewer doesn't display the image name (unless
   it's actually being displayed in my normal text color, which of
   course is white).

Robert Krawitz                                     <rlk at alum.mit.edu>

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