[KimDaBa] Main irritations in Kimdaba: Selections and serial configuration

Lars Clausen lars at raeder.dk
Sun Nov 20 11:23:46 GMT 2005

On Sat, 2005-11-19 at 13:24 +0100, Martin Höller wrote:
> Hi!
> On 18 Nov 2005, Lars Clausen wrote:
> > Serial configuration: I often have a series of related pictures
> > together, and it would be nice if the keywords I select for one picture
> > are automatically selected for the next one, or easily toggled or
> > something.  I feel rather stupid setting the same four keywords on a
> > series of pictures.  The exact interface is not obvious, but I'm
> > thinking KimDaBa could consider a keyword that is set explicitly (as
> > opposed to having been set earlier) to be 'sticky' and also be set when
> > going on to the next picture.  Having something like this would save me
> > much time when going through a group.
> I think what you are looking for are tokens and their usage. I'll just
> describe what I do for configuring my new images and hope this will help
> you:
> I select the images that I want to configure and open them with the image
> viewer. Going through the images I give each image a view tokens (like M
> for every picture where Martin can be seen, or P for every part-picture).
> When done with this I go back to the browser window and select all picture
> in Tokens -> M, click "Configure all images" and select the keyword I want
> for this token. Repeat this for all assigned tokens and you're done.

Sounds like rather a lot of a kludge to me.  What would be nice would be
if when going to a 'next' image in the config editor, if that image has
no keywords set, just set the ones the previous image had.  That way it
won't disturb any already existing keywords,  If somebody can point me
at where this should be done in the code, I could make a hack at it as
my first attempt in KimDaBa.


Lars Clausen (lars at raeder.dk, larsrc at gmail.com, http://lars.raeder.dk)
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