[KimDaBa] KimDaBa 1.1 is released

Jesper K. Pedersen blackie at kde.org
Mon Feb 16 07:53:26 GMT 2004

Reimar Imhof <Reimar.Imhof at netCologne.de> writes:

| Am Donnerstag, 12. Februar 2004 20:28 schrieb Jesper K. Pedersen:
| > KimDaBa 1.1 is released, and available from
| > http://ktown.kde.org/kimdaba/
| >
| > A big thank you to all those who have contributed to this release, with
| > code, with translation, with bug reports, or in other ways.
| >
| > Have fun
| > Jesper.
| Hello Jesper,
| I found one (silly) crash and got one improvement idea:
| The crash:
| I go to the Kimdaba options, there to the third category (option groups(?)).
| I've got no groups defined. If I press the rename group button, Kimdaba says 
| good bye.
yup, fixed that one yesterday.

| The improvement idea:
| When I'm in the properties or search dialog I've got a lot of entries in some 
| categories. I'd like the idea to have the entries sorted (for example, if you 
| have 10 or more persons in the list, it's no fun selecting persons. If the 
| lists were sorted, selection will be easy).
They are indeed sorted, by most recent used.
The normal usage is to type the first few letters of a name until you've
found the person.


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