[Konversation-devel] Information on Gitorious setup

Eike Hein hein at kde.org
Wed Dec 16 21:01:25 CET 2009

Here's an update on how things are currently set up, as there
have been some changes.

First of, a short overview over the Gitorious permission model.
Every repository has a list of "collaborators". A collaborator
can be an individuum or a team. Any collaborator can have any
combination of three flags: commit, review, admin. "Commit"
allows commit access (i.e. pushing up new commits), those with
"Review" receive email notifications about merge requests (pro-
vided merge requests are enabled for the repository, and also
the sending of merge request emails) and can change the status
of merge requests, and those with "Admin" can edit the reposi-
tory settings and its list of collaborators.

The "Konversation" project is owned by the "kde-developers"
team, and by extension so is the "konversation" repository,
which means the repository started out with "kde-developers"
in its collaborators list, with all three flags.

Then a "konversation-reviewers" team was created (with me and
Peter as admins), added as a collaborator, and it got the
"Review" flag (and only that flag). In turn, the "Review"
flag was removed from kde-developers, leaving it with only
"Commit" and "Admin".

Since then, a new "kde-sysadmin" group was created which the
KDE system administrators are members of. This group was add-
ed to the "konversation" repository as a collaborator with
the "Admin" flag, and the "Admin" flag was removed from "kde-

Which is sensible in principle, but has the problem that it
left no one in the Konversation team with the ability to
edit the repository. Being able to edit the repository is
important to be able to toggle the "Deny force push" check-
box in the repository settings: In order to add a new re-
lease tag, you need to be able to force push. Yes, this is
clumsy, but that's how it works on Gitorious at the moment.

To fix this problem, I was now added to the "konversation"
repository as a collaborator with the "Admin" flag, and ha-
ve since added Peter as a collaborator with the admin flag
as well.

So to sum up the current list of collaborators on the repos:

kde-sysadmin: Admin
Eike Hein: Admin
Peter Simonsson: Admin
kde-developers: Commit
konversation-reviewers: Review

konversation-reviewers admins: Eike Hein, Peter Simonsson.

Best regards,
Eike Hein

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