Navigation bar is missing

Wolfson, Alexander alexander.wolfson at
Tue Jan 24 17:28:29 CET 2006

I still have problems, that I need to investigate,

But I think a patch I made might be already usefull to others. May be to

Eva Brucherseifer's effort, because the code is based on qtopia 2.2.0
This patch modifies couple of hundred files to fix an additional
semicolon isue to make it compatable to gcc3.4.3. I actualy wrote a perl
programm to make a fix.
I am using an attached ./ to build. The QTOPIADIR and
QTDIR has to be set before build.

Known isues.
 1. I modified configure(this is part of the patch) which seems to be a
wrong way to 
deal with the build system. When you build konqueror build fails in the
last step of make in
konq-embed/src directory.
You have to copy the last step to command line ,remove --silent option
and run it again. Then 
It will fail, but give you more information. Copy the last step again
replace  /usr/lib/ with -ljpeg -luuid -lqtopia -lqtopia2 -lts
and run the 
Last command again.
2. the navigation bar is still missing


-----Original Message-----
From: Luciano Montanaro [mailto:mikelima at] 
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 10:57 AM
To: For discussion of Konqueror/Embedded
Subject: Re: Navigation bar is missing

On Friday 20 January 2006 15:54, Wolfson, Alexander wrote:
>  Hi all,
> I ported a konqueror-embedded-snapshot-20030705 to our system running
> PXA270.
> I used qtopia 2.2.0
> Konqueror starts, but the navigation bar(the one where you type a URL)
> is missing.
> Is there any settings, that I can change to make it available or this
> a bug?

I think that snapshot is based on kdelibs 3.1. Is that correct?
Anyway, konqueror embedded has a number of personalities. 

You can switch GUI with a configuration option. Be sure to pass 
--with-gui=x11 to have a regular gui. 

The --with-gui=kiosk opens a window with no controls at all.

Also, if you had to apply changes, they may still be useful to others on

> Thanks,

Luciano Montanaro //
              \\ //
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