How to insure that konq/e always has focus?

yan seiner yan at
Thu Jan 26 20:00:51 CET 2006

I am using javascript to navigate around the konq/e window.  Basically 
the javascript intercepts the keystroke, and if it is an arrow key it 
moves the focus appropriately.  Each input field is given focus using 
document.getElementById("a"+idx).focus(); .  what should happen is that 
if an input field is outside of the visible window konq should scroll 
the screen so that the focused element is visible.

But no scrolling takes place....  And, AFAICT, once the focus has 
shifted outside the konqueror window loses focus so it no longer sees 
any keyboard events....

This works fine if I use the Tab key to shift focus.  But if I use 
Javascript scrolling seems broken.  I could hack it by manuall scroll() 
ing the window, but AFAIK a focused input element should always be 

The javascript works fine if I use firefox....

I've posted the files in question here:

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