Repaint issue..

Stefan Eilers stefan.eilers at
Sat Jan 7 11:54:09 CET 2006

Hash: SHA1

Hi Luciano!

Thanks for your reply!

Am 06.01.2006 um 17:18 schrieb Luciano Montanaro:

> On Friday 06 January 2006 13:07, Stefan Eilers wrote:
>> Hi Developers!
>> After some hacking I got Konqueror/embedded running using Qt/e  
>> 3.3.5 and
>> KDELibs version 3.5. The whole stuff runs within the virtual  
>> framebuffer
>> device (qvfb) and seems to work quite well.
> Uh, current SVN trunk contains the patches needed to build  
> konqueror-embedded
> against kdelibs 3.5, but it needs the SVN version of kdelibs. I  
> plan to make
> a new snapshot as soon as kdelibs 3.5.1 are released.

I used the svn releases. Therfore I should have the patches, right ?

> Do you have any qt-embedded specific patch to apply?

No. Just used SVN trunk for kdenox and "branches/KDE/3.5/kdelibs",  
which worked quite well after changing some setting in qte-3.5 (I had  
to enable support for multithreading and rtti). Just the repaint  
problem is annoying..

>> The only visible issue seems to
>> be that repainting of widgets (like text fields and combo boxes)  
>> fails.
>> Thus, after changing the size of the window or scrolling the page,  
>> these
>> elements are corrupted.
>> I am using qvfb by QT 2.3.
> Andrea Bondivalli has sent a patch fixing a repaint problem in  
> december:

I see: "fix-khtmlview-for-qtembedded.patch"

If I am back in office (monday), I will check whether this patch  
applied in my release. If not, this might be the issue here.
Can your confirm this problem with your release? It might be caused  
by the virtual framebuffer device, but I can't check this now..

> Can you try to apply it and see if that helps? I'm hoping it could  
> fix your
> problem too.

I will check it monday, but I fear it is integrated already.

Mfg., Stefan Eilers
- --  
Stefan Eilers
Software Engineer

basysKom GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Str. 7 | 64293 Darmstadt | Germany
Tel: +49 6151 3969-962 | Fax: -736 | Mobile: +49 170 4213459 |  
Jabber: eilers at
stefan.eilers at |

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