How to configure konqe in kiosk mode

Jacek Grabiec jacekg67 at
Tue Oct 4 07:20:28 CEST 2005

>> Hi,
>> I'm fairly new to the konqe project so some of the
>> questions may have been answered. I have compiled
>> konqe  in both kiosk mode and "regular" version
>> running it under x11). It all works fine. I have
>> questions:
>> 1) are there any command line options for konqe in
>> kiosk mode (other than specifying a page to open)?

>use --help for a list of options

that doesn't seem to work for konq-e (neither konq-e
"normal", nor konq-e compiled in kiosk mode.  it does
work obviously with regular konqueror, that is a
non-embedded version).  The konq-e --help just opens a
browser window, with no list of available options. And
none of the "regular" konqueror options seem to be
recognized by konq-e.  Any other hints?

>> 2) How could I make start konqe in the kios mode
>> arbitrary window size (and screen position)? Right
>> it seems that it always starts at 200x120 (rough
>> estimate), and it appears at random position on my
>> desktop? The --geometry WxH+x+y option doesn't seem
>> work.... Is there a compile time option I would
>> to use, or do I need to modify the source code
>> (where?)?

>It's just that -geometry (notice the single dash)
>has to be used.
>All qt application should have this one. It is
>modeled, I think, after 
>regular X11 application, which use a single dash.


thanks, the -geometry option indeed worked. However it
is a bit strange as the list of konqueror options (the
normal, non-embedded version) provided via 'konqueror
--help' indicates that --geometry (with double dash)
should be used. Actually, the regular konqueror seems
to accept both versions: with single and double dash.
Is it possible my konq-e installation has not been
completely correct as I seem to be missing some
features (mainly no output to --help option)?

regards, Jacek

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