Fixes to make konq-e 3.3.1 run on ppc8xx

Luciano Montanaro mikelima at
Sat Jan 15 12:57:34 CET 2005

On Friday 14 January 2005 19:48, David Ho wrote:
> Hi all,
> We have managed to run kdelibs version 3.3.1 using a snapshot of the kdenox
> patch from Dec 14, 2004 with qt-embedded-free 3.3.2 on the ppc8xx platform.
> At the same time we've added custom changes to make konq-e behave the way
> we wanted.  I have included the changes that might be useful for others and
> left out stuff that's specific to us.

Hi David,
I've had a quick look at the patch.
The dropin changes are ok. Actually, I think I already applied something 
similar to the kdebug files.

For the kiosk mode, wouldn't it be better to have a configuration option, and 
use it to determine if the statusbar should be visible?

About the rest of the patch, it should be redone as an incremental patch 
against the kdelibs sources (or rolled within the ones we are already 
shipping). Have a look at the konq-embed/kdesrc/khtml/patches directory and 
at the konq-embed/prepare_kde_src script to get an idea on what needs to be 

I'll fix the kapplication dropin stuff now, since it's trivial, and I hope to 
have a pass at the rest of the stuff later this week. But I will have quite a 
busy working week, so, if you have the time to work some more on this, you 
are welcome to submit further patches.

About the leak problem: is it specific to kdenox, or do you think the khtml 
developers should be notified?


Luciano Montanaro //
                \X/ mikelima at
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