setting initial/default window geometry?

Fri, 14 Feb 2003 16:27:46 +0100

On Friday 14 February 2003 02:33, Keith Kyzivat wrote:
> I've got Konq/E running under Qt/E 2.3.2 up and running good on an
> Embedded Planet RPX862 board (have for a while now), but I'm not sure
> how I go about setting the initial geometry of the page.  I'd like it t=
> come up maximized..
> Another thing I'd like to be able to do is to remove the toolbar and
> status bar, so it comes up in a 'kiosk' mode..  (better yet would be to
> even remove the window border widget, but that's a Qt/E specific issue,
> methinks -- if anyone has any tips on that though, I'd be glad to hear
> them ^_^.

You can try to configure it --with-gui=3Dkiosk
(check the configure options with ./configure --help, I am not sure about=
option name and I have not the sources at hand)
That will create a window without extra widgets.
If that is not exactly what you need, you can customize one of the=20
mainwindow_* files to strip what you do not need.