Back button in kiosk mode?

Paul Chitescu Paul.Chitescu at
Mon Dec 8 12:17:56 CET 2003

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Baker" <distobj at>
To: "For discussion of Konqueror/Embedded" <konq-e at>
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2003 20:46
Subject: Re: Back button in kiosk mode?

> I'm not QT developer, but I fumbled around and figured this might work
> in;
> void MainWindowKiosk::initGUI()
> {
>     m_findInput = 0;
>     connect( new QAction( "", "", Key_F3, this, "go_back" ),
>                  SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( back() ) );
> }
> It doesn't work.  The F3 key isn't being trapped, and instead ends up
> generate a key event which shows up elsewhere.

There's no "back()" slot anymore in the main window - what version are you

> Any (urgent!!!) help that any of you could provide would be *greatly*
> appreciated.
> How else are folks doing Back in kiosk mode?

They're not - that's the whole point of kiosk mode: every bit of navigation
must be done in the HTML page.

> Mark.

If you really want a back action take a look at - you
should create an QAction named "go_back" with m_changeable as parent. Don't
connect it to anything - the view switching routines will do it for you.

A more flexible alternative is to build for the XML UI and edit konqe.rc to
suppress toolbars and menus and only define the go_back action with whatever
accelerator you need. This can also offer you shortcut keys that go directly
to an URL (in a frame of your choice) specified in the config file.


 Paul Chitescu
 pchitescu at   ICQ:22641673
 Any spammers will be painfully squeezed into /dev/null

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