Making konqe do what I want

Fernando Silveira
08 Nov 2002 15:53:00 -0200

QPE (Qt Palmtop Environment) has a keyboard, I think. You should try to
get into its code.

  I'm also trying to do the same thing, make a cool kiosk, but I'm
almost getting there: I just need to get the inside borders of the HTML
layout out. To get the title, the outside borders, the toolbar and the
link bar out, there was no problem and the patch is attached. Does
anyone have a hint to get those HTML layout widgets out?


On Thu, 2002-11-07 at 12:40, Daniel Stenberg wrote:
> Hi
> I'm just about to dive into the source code and try to make konq-e do the
> things I want and I just wanted to ask if there's any general advice or
> anything from people that have made similar things before:
> 1. My device doesn't have a keyboard, only touch screen, so I'll need to pop
>    up a window with a keyboard as soon as the uses "clicks" in a form text
>    field. When done, the user would press a 'done' key and the actual text
>    should be transfered to the text field.
> 2. I need konq-e to run on the "root window" with no borders, no URL field,
>    no toolbars/buttons etc, and no address field popping up at the bottom
>    either.
> Any pointers are appriciated.
> -- 
>       Daniel Stenberg - - +46-705-44 31 77
>    ech`echo xiun|tr nu oc|sed 'sx\([sx]\)\([xoi]\)xo un\2\1 is xg'`ol
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