Making konqe do what I want

Daniel Stenberg
Thu, 7 Nov 2002 15:40:45 +0100 (MET)


I'm just about to dive into the source code and try to make konq-e do the
things I want and I just wanted to ask if there's any general advice or
anything from people that have made similar things before:

1. My device doesn't have a keyboard, only touch screen, so I'll need to pop
   up a window with a keyboard as soon as the uses "clicks" in a form text
   field. When done, the user would press a 'done' key and the actual text
   should be transfered to the text field.

2. I need konq-e to run on the "root window" with no borders, no URL field,
   no toolbars/buttons etc, and no address field popping up at the bottom

Any pointers are appriciated.

      Daniel Stenberg - - +46-705-44 31 77
   ech`echo xiun|tr nu oc|sed 'sx\([sx]\)\([xoi]\)xo un\2\1 is xg'`ol