Making konqe do what I want

Paul Chitescu
Sat, 9 Nov 2002 13:38:45 +0200

>   I'm also trying to do the same thing, make a cool kiosk, but I'm
> almost getting there: I just need to get the inside borders of the HTML
> layout out. To get the title, the outside borders, the toolbar and the
> link bar out, there was no problem and the patch is attached. Does
> anyone have a hint to get those HTML layout widgets out?

Suggestion noted, I'll put the code in one of the next CVS versions which
will feature an XML configurable UI, keyboard accelerators for jumping to
specific URLs and a "Full Screen" command.

Unfortunately I don't have right now access to the code to tell you where
and what call to insert.


 Paul Chitescu   ICQ:22641673
 Any spammers will be painfully squeezed into /dev/null