BUG: restoreScrollbar() crash in khtmlview.cpp

stephan beal konq-e@mail.kde.org
Wed, 20 Feb 2002 18:07:34 +0100

On Wednesday 20 February 2002 18:00 pm, Paolo Scaffardi wrote:
> To test this you should have a little (but not to little to see a page
> without scrolling) display and open one page greater than screen, then
> another one that fits on it.

in the case that this is useful for you, i set up a web site with pages 
"engineered" to fit the ipaq screen, so you can use this for a "small page" 


----- stephan
Generic Universal Computer Guy
stephan@einsurance.de - http://www.einsurance.de
Office: +49 (89)  552 92 862 Handy:  +49 (179) 211 97 67
"People might not think that was much of a position of power, but 
then they'd never been minutes secretary to a meeting of slightly 
deaf old men." -- Terry Pratchet